Bridal Shower Invitation Etiquette

Bridal shower invitation etiquette can come into question with even the most casual party. If you've hosted this event before, you are probably familiar with the information on this page. Much of it is common sense.

Beautiful pink floral bridal shower invitation.

If you are planning your first bridal shower, you might come across something unexpected. So, take a moment to scan the following questions and answers  One of them may be just what you are looking for. 

Bridal Shower Invitation Etiquette Questions Answered

• When are bridal shower invitations sent?
The ideal time is one month before the party. This gives most guests time to plan and adjust their schedules. It also allows plenty of response time. If you plan to invite guests from out of town that you know will be coming, it is a good idea to give them extra notice.

• When should I send more than one invitation?
Each adult should receive their own invitation. So, if there are several living in the same household, send one to each. Couples can receive just one.

• Should I invite someone from out of state?
It is always considerate to send an invitation. There is a chance that they would attend. If not, they may want to send a card and/or gift.

• Should the same guest be invited to more than one shower?

If a guest is invited to more than one shower, make it known that a gift is not necessary each time. The alternative is, if a guest knows she will be invited to several parties, she can split up her gifts into smaller related ideas.

• Is it appropriate to ask for gifts of money, in the invitation?
No, this will offend someone. There may be a tactful way to relay this idea, on the phone, when guests reply. In general, bridal shower invitation etiquette states that it's not polite to ask for money.

• Should any stores where the couple are registered be included?
A list of stores where the bride is registered may be included as a courtesy to guests. Let them know it is for their convenience. Guests are not required to use the registry.

Other pages that may help you

• Go from bridal shower invitation etiquette page, to invitation basics... general ideas on choosing your invitations

• Are you wondering what wording is necessary?  Match your wording with your party style

• How can you make your invitations unique? Make them memorable.

• Information to to remember.


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